Keeping Your Space Pest-Free
Pest Control Services
At Eagle Pest Control & Tree Service, we provide unmatched pest control services. You can count on us to perform cockroach and carpenter ant extermination, as well as much more. We proudly serve Anchorage, Eagle River, Kenai, and the Mat-Su Valley, AK.
Bed Bugs
Bed bugs are one of the world’s great travelers and are readily transported via luggage, clothing, bedding, and furniture. Eagle Pest Control was the first in the state to have a certified bed bug detecting dog and now has two bed bug dogs. We are also the first and only company in Alaska to offer Thermal Remediation® — a safe and effective treatment to kill bed bugs with heat.
Our specialized equipment raises the air temperature to over 135 degrees, killing all bed bugs and their eggs wherever they are hiding! Our equipment is perfect for homes, hotels, university dormitories, and property management companies. Ask about our 90-day warranty.

Guaranteed Bed Bug Treatments
We offer heat treatments to get rid of bed bugs instead of conventional treatments, which can take up to 3 or 4 months. Benefits of our heat treatments include:
- One treatment
- 100% effective at eliminating all bed bugs and their eggs
- Kills all adults, all nymphs, and eggs
- Room is available to use usually the same day as treatment
- Non-chemical, non-toxic
- Kills bugs inside mattresses, box springs, or wherever they are hiding
Bed Bug Detection & Habits
Bed bugs are small, wingless insects that feed on people (or animals in a pinch). Mostly at night. Bed bugs get their name because they like to hide around beds and mattresses. Still, bed bugs can live on the nightstand, your headboard, luggage, clothing, carpets, curtains, baseboards, couches, and just about any place where humans are regularly present. They are nocturnal and very hardy. They can hibernate for a little over a year without a meal. They travel by hitchhiking on you or your clothes, luggage, and furniture until they find a new home with a source of food (you).
What to look for:
They leave dark-colored spots on the mattress and the box springs usually as well as any other area they are nesting in. They shed their skin six times in their life, so you will find “shed skins” from them around the nesting sites.
Bed bugs tend to feed at night while people are sleeping. Most of the time, people cannot feel them bite. Bed bugs are not known to pass on any diseases to humans. Bed bug bites often cause redness and some swelling. If a bite is opened up from scratching it, it can become infected. Most of the time, they bite in straight lines. The most common is three bites in a row. They are commonly called Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner. Approximately 30% of bed bug victims do not show any evidence of bites.
What do bed bugs look like?
Bed bugs are about 3/8″ long and are visible to the naked eye. Amazingly, though, they can go a long time without any food if necessary; sometimes, as long as a year. When they are gorged with blood, the females lay around 2 to 5 eggs a day—about 350 in their lifetime.
Since their reappearance, researchers have found that the new bed bugs are much more resistant to chemicals previously used. Insecticides often used for roaches and similar insects do not work on bed bugs, which is another reason they are at large again.
Have an infestation of bed bugs? Contact us today .
Carpenter Ants
Carpenter ants are the most destructive insects to Alaskan homes. Contrary to what many people think, carpenter ants don’t eat wood; they use it for nesting in, creating colossal egg galleries within the wood. By doing so, they can damage a home or building to a point where structural repair is needed. A carpenter ant colony may contain the main nest and one or more “satellite nests.”
A satellite nest contains pupae, mature larvae, and workers. Ants in satellite nests are the ones that normally do structural damage to structures in Alaska. Indoor nests can remain active at a reduced rate during the winter, while workers continue to forage for food and water. Infestations in houses can grow fast and cause a tremendous amount of damage to your home or business.

Below are examples of wood damage caused by carpenter ants.

Treatment Options
Our pest control products utilize an advanced “undetectable” technology inside your home to eliminate ants quickly and completely. Over-the-counter sprays and ant repellents can cause ants to separate from their main nest, making matters even worse as they start new colonies. This is called “budding.”
That’s why we use an advanced, undetectable treatment applied outside your home or business where ants live. Ants never know it is there, so they can’t react to it or avoid it. Instead, they pick it up on their bodies and take it home with them, where they then spread it to all the other ants in the colony, killing the whole nest – guaranteed.
Transferable Pesticides
We use insecticides that utilize a process where the product transfers from one individual to another, affecting the entire population of ants. Even if an ant never directly contacts the pesticide or the treated area, we can get them. When ants contact our products, they carry it on their bodies and pass it on to any ants they subsequently encounter. Those ants pass it on to more ants, who continue the process of transferring it throughout the nest.
Our ant gel (and Arena’s) contains a unique active ingredient that is the only member of its class of chemistry, the oxadiazines, so it performs like no other insecticide. Based on its excellent environmental and toxicological profile, this new technology from DuPont Professional Products is in a select group of insecticides to receive reduced-risk classification under the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Reduced-Risk Program.
The EPA labels this new ant gel as a “reduced-risk pesticide.”
- It has a very new and unique mode of action.
- These pesticides work through metabolic activation – that means the insects’ own internal enzymes change the molecular structure and attributes of the compound into a more potent form of insecticide.
- These products are used at very low levels often, making these some of the most effective and safe choices in pesticides you can make.
We are leading the way when it comes to eco-friendly products for pest control. We were the first company in Alaska to offer revolutionary “green” products to control ants, cockroaches, and aphids! All of these are “reduced-risk” pesticides. We will continue to find eco-friendly and pet-friendly products to use for treatment.

Cockroach Damage
Cockroaches spread human disease by depositing disease organisms on food and utensils. The American Cockroach, which comes into contact with human excrement in sewers or with pet droppings, may transmit bacteria that cause Salmonella and Shigella. German Cockroaches are believed to transmit disease-causing organisms such as Staphylococcus, hepatitis, and coliform bacteria. They also have been implicated in the spread of typhoid and dysentery. Recent studies have found a strong association between the presence of cockroaches and increases in the severity of asthma symptoms in individuals who are sensitive to cockroach allergens.
Cockroach Treatment
Roaches never warned you before they invaded your home. So why warn them before you get rid of them? Our pest control products utilize an advanced “undetectable” technology inside your home to eliminate ants and cockroaches quickly and completely.
Our roach gel (and Arena’s) contains a unique active ingredient that is the only member of its class of chemistry, the oxadiazines, so it performs like no other insecticide. Based on its excellent environmental and toxicological profile, this new technology from DuPont Professional Products is in a select group of insecticides to receive reduced-risk classification under the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Reduced-Risk Program.
The EPA labels this new roach gel as a “reduced-risk pesticide.”
- It has a very new and unique mode of action.
- These pesticides work through metabolic activation – that means the insect’s own internal enzymes change the molecular structure and attributes of the compound into a more potent form of insecticide.
- These products are used at very low levels often, making these some of the most effective and safe choices in pesticides you can make.
No one likes spiders! We can get more than our fair share here in Kenai and Anchorage. Hiding in the corners and spinning webs on your railings and across the door jams – yuck! Except for poisonous spiders, such as the black widow and the brown recluse, spiders are not harmful to humans.
Detection & Treatment
Wolf spiders are common household pests in the fall when they are looking for a warm place to spend the winter. They are commonly found around doors, windows, house plants, basements, garages, and almost all terrestrial habitats. Let us use our eco-friendly products to get rid of spiders for you.

Rodents consume and contaminate food. They also gnaw on electrical wires, wooden structures, and tear insulation in walls and ceilings for nesting. Rodents can also transmit diseases to humans, pets, and livestock. They have been found to transmit typhus, leptospirosis, trichinosis, and salmonellosis. The presence of mice and rats is usually detected by the damage they cause to food and structures, by their droppings, and by their nests.

Rodent Control Program
After a thorough inspection to determine which species we’re dealing with, we’ll create an effective program to keep your home rodent-free. Our rodent control program has five important steps:
- Creating effective sanitation so that rodents are denied both food and hiding places
- Eliminating the population by applying poison, bait, and traps
- Eliminating all potential entry points
- Monitoring to keep you rodent-free
- A thorough inspection to identify the species, where they’re nesting, and what factors are attracting them
Safety is a Priority
- We use bait stations to ensure the poison stays where we put it, not where children and pets can get it. We also can use live traps or glue boards.
- The products we use even work where other food sources are available.
- It is proven to be highly effective in restaurants, lodges, homes, and any other place mice or rats might be.
Yellowheaded Sawfly
Adult yellowheaded sawflies are stingless wasps, measuring about 1/3 inches long. They are a defoliator of spruce trees throughout our region.
Detection & Treatment
Wolf spiders are common household pests in the fall when they are looking for a warm place to spend the winter. They are commonly found around doors, windows, house plants, basements, garages, and almost all terrestrial habitats. Let us use our eco-friendly products to get rid of spiders for you.

Spruce Beetles
At only 1/4 inch long, spruce beetles are making a comeback, infesting both live and dead spruce trees in our area, in the largest outbreak since 1997.
Detection & Treatment
A tell-tale sign that beetles are attacking a tree is reddish-brown dust that appears on the bark and the ground around the tree. You may also notice a change in the foliage color from a pale yellow-green to reddish-brown. Keeping the spruce trees healthy is key to treatment. We can spray trees to keep them from being infested by the spruce beetles.

Stinging Insects
Wasps are dangerous because they can sting multiple times – this can be very painful. If allergic, wasps stings can lead to death.
Detection & Treatment
Professionals with protective gear can remove wasp and yellow jacket nests. We may use insecticides.

For more information about our extermination services, please contact us today!
Eagle Pest Control & Tree Service
Anchorage, Alaska
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Business Hours
Monday - Sunday: 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
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